I’m in Pain
Your potential client is in pain. Their pain may be little or it may be big, but it is a pain either way.
Clearly address your potential client’s biggest pain point, and they’re sold!
Here’s How it Worked On Me
On the way to visit my mother-in-law, I pass a self-storage facility. I live in a large city so they tend to be all over the place. Most of the time I pass them and think nothing of it. Other times my mind says “why would I spend the money when I have a garage”. However, the other day they had a sign in front that said “Do you want your garage back?” Now that spoke directly to me.
You see, I moved three years ago and my garage is still full of boxes that I need to go through. You know the ones–the “I’m not sure so I’ll just box it and deal with them after I move” boxes. Whenever I go into the garage, (which is often, because my clothes dryer is out there), I don’t see boxes…
I see “more work and stress”.
That sign still haunts me, because my garage is still filled with boxes. However, when I am ready to do something about it, I will either get in gear and go through the boxes or I will run over to that self-storage and plop down my money for peace of mind.
AND guess what? That is the self-storage place I would go to first!
Offering a solution to your ideal client’s pain point will get their attention. Notice, however, just because I would be a perfect client and putting my boxes in storage would solve my current pressing need, doesn’t mean I am ready!
Knowing your ideal client’s pain point allows you to talk their language.
Talking in your ideal client’s language does 3 things:
1. It draws them to you like a magnet.
They know they have that pain. The more you talk about their pain and how your solution relieves the pain, it brings them closer to buying from you.
Have you ever wondered why you can talk to one person about your product or service and they immediately buy, and you can talk to another person with the same problem and they don’t buy no matter what you say? It is because they are not ready. Trying to get a person who is not ready to buy is a process. You must be willing to walk them through that process over time; otherwise, you become that sleazy sales person we all hate, and who wants to do that?
2. Their gut reaction is to buy from you.
Whether they are willing to move forward on the sale or wait awhile, you are their current go-to person. This is why following up is so important. If they identify with the pain, then you must follow up so you will get the sale (and not your competitor) when they are ready to buy.
3. You never waste time with the wrong prospect.
Anytime you talk to a lead or a person at a networking event, you can quickly tell if they are your ideal client simply by talking to them. Remember: you are the boss and you get to work with whomever you want! You get to choose.
By talking to them, even briefly, you can determine if they have the pain you solve. If they do not, you do not need to convince them to buy even if you could sell to everyone on the planet. They don’t see it as a pain; therefore, in their mind they do not have a need for what you offer. It is their mind that counts, not yours. On the other hand, even if they have the pain that you solve, they may not be a good match for many reasons – personality, schedule, values, etc.
I hear you and I agree. This is not an iron-clad rule. It is a guideline to help you focus on spending time with two types of people: people who want your solution and are willing to act immediately or people who want the solution but it is not the right time.
Wouldn’t you rather spend your time with these types of people than with those who don’t want your solution? Yes, absolutely!
How well do you know your potential clients?
Chances are you’ve developed at least a simple client avatar. For instance, you know her business, age, income and education levels. You know where she lives, how many kids she has and what her biggest dreams are.
Your first step in talking your Ideal Client’s language is clearly identifying the pain you solve: What does it feel like to them, how does it affect their life, what would their life look like if the pain was gone? Write down all the ideas you have and then narrow it down to the most important ones.
If you have already done this, the next step is to identify the people who have this type of problem. This process is the start of defining your ideal client, also referred to as your Target Market or Target Audience.
Remember the more you can speak your ideal client’s language the easier it is to find them, make a sale and build your thriving business!
If you are ready to enjoy the benefits of a well-defined Target Market, I encourage you to immediately download my free ebook:
“ Reach the Hearts & Minds of your Target Market and explode your Business Fast”.
CLICK HERE to download your free copy today.
Bethany Sunny shows motivated entrepreneurs, speakers, coaches and authors how to become visible, get more clients and build a thriving business. With over 25 years of experience as a business owner of 3 successful businesses, she enjoys impacting people’s lives through coaching, training and speaking.
Join her on Facebook at http://www.fb.me/bethanysunny